Outdoor sports and nature conservation, drivers of a healthy, inclusive and sustainable society

1, 03.03.2020

The aim of this meeting is to increase mutual knowledge and analyse how EU institutions, EUROPARC, ENOS and other organisations can work together on European Policies to promote the value of outdoor sports and nature conservation for health, well-being and environmental sustainability.

The discussion will help us to:

  • Showcase the benefits of Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas including health and well-being, social inclusion, sustainable tourism, education and environmental engagement.
  • Showcase good examples of how people are managing outdoor sports in Protected Areas to minimise their impact on wildlife and ecology.
  • Discuss how policymakers and European Institutions can work more effectively on this issue, setting environment (Protected Areas) as a key topic for the new EU Work Plan for Sport (2020-2023).
  • Nature health centres as a cornerstone. The Jurmala Communiqué 2019: healthy parks, healthy people.
  • Enlarge the possibilities of outdoor activities that may take place in Protected Areas, so that they are seen as valuable outdoor grounds.
  • Sustainability as a guideline: importance of economically viable projects.

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