Dear friends and colleagues of the network ALPARC, Our general assembly was held this year in Poschiavo, in the frame of the 3rd AlpWeek from 5th to 8th September 2012.
We were pleased to see that all present representatives of the alpine protected areas support our common decision to create an association and that they all signed the legally nonbinding declaration of intention to join this association.
Let’s start together with fresh determination and enthusiasm on this new way.
Michael Vogel
... Dear friends and colleagues
Special Edition – The General Assembly
Our general assembly was held this year in Poschiavo, in the frame of the 3rd AlpWeek from 5th to 8th September 2012.
Around 50 people met on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September 2012 at Poschiavo (CH) for the General Assembly of the ALPARC network, providing the opportunity for its president, Michael Vogel, to present the latest developments in the structure of the ALPARC network, and to initiate its transition towards a future ALPARC association.
The new International Steering Committee (ISC) was elected during the ALPARC General Assembly held on 7th September 2012 at Poschiavo (CH) as part of the Alpine Week.Michael Vogel, director of the Berchtesgaden National Park in Germany was re-elected to the chair of ISC until the next General Assembly which will mark the creation of the new ALPARC association. The deputy chairmen are Alain Brandeis and Massimo Bocca.
“ALPARC, one network, many perspectives” is the title of the new Activities Report of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas. The purpose of this document is to present the principal actions undertaken in 2011-2012, but also to open and present the perspectives for the near future.
The Alpine Week 2012 was held from 5 to 8 September in the Valposchiavo in Switzerland. The theme chosen for this year was “Renewable Alps”. For the first time in the history of the Alpine convention, the Alpine conference, which brings together the Ministers of the signatory states, took place during the Alpine Week.
News from the network ALPARC
It is still possible to register for the 2nd International Workshop “Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine protected areas” until the 30th of September and within the limit of available places. Please find attached the final program, practical information and news about the inscription.
They glide... a few wing beats, they slip between the trees to complete their flight on a hilltop. The birds. What do you think, how do birds feel when they see the Alps, drifting by under their wings during their migration in spring and autumn?
News from the protected areas
You are invited to present the results of the research of your protected area to an international public at the “5th Symposium for research in protected areas”. The call for contributions is open until 12 October 2012. Further information…
It is with great pride that we announce that eco.mont has just been admitted into the prestigious Thomson Index (Web of Science), with retroactive inclusion of all past issues (back to issue 1 in June 2009).