

ALPARC podpira sodelovanje

med zavarovanimi območji Alpskega loka za trajnostno upravljanje, spoštljivo do naravnih virov


Varovanje biotske raznovrstnosti

in ohranjanje kakovostnega okolja


Ohranjanje vezi med ljudmi

zlasti mladimi, in naravnim okoljem


Regionalni razvoj

ki temelji na krajevnih virih in ljudi postavlja v središče, da zagotavlja ohranjanje in varstvo narave

ALPARC je Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah, kipovezuje več sto alpskih zavarovanih območij vseh vrst, od Francije do Slovenije.
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0, 12.12.2023

ALPARC CENTR’ALPS: Online Workshop “Biodiversity protection in and around small watercourses - measures and options for action in protected area management”

Organised by ALPARC CENTR'ALPS, this workshop is part of the "Biodiversity Protection in Times of Climate Change" project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

The importance of addressing the dynamics and continuity of small rivers in connection with neobiota and process dynamics has been recognized by protected areas, presenting both significance and challenges in their line of work. ALPARC CENTR'ALPS has undertaken a focused effort to identify pertinent challenges, gather examples of effective measures through a brief survey, leverage external expertise, and navigate the intricate web of actors and responsibilities, all while considering the often constrained capacity for action within protected areas.

Some protected areas have successfully implemented measures in response to these challenges. This workshop discuss the outcomes of this work aiming to equip participants with tools and inspiration for collaborative activities and measures within protected areas.

The workshop will be conducted in German, targeting stakeholders in the central German-speaking Alpine region who are currently active or interested in engaging in these specific areas of work.

The event will be held online via Zoom on the 12th of December, 2023, at 15:00 (CEST, Paris)

Please register by the 8th of December 2023 by e-mailing to attend.

Vsi projekti

ALPARC - Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah

Spletni piškotki

Spletno mesto ALPARC za svoje delovanje uporablja piškotke