

ALPARC sostiene la cooperazione

fra le aree protette dell’Arco alpino per una gestione sostenibile che rispetti le risorse naturali


Protezione della biodiversità

e conservazione di un ambiente di qualità


Salvaguardia del legame fra l’uomo

in particolare i giovani, e l’ambiente naturale


Sviluppo regionale

basato sulle risorse locali che mette al centro le persone per garantire la protezione e la conservazione della natura

ALPARC è la Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine, che riunisce centinaia di aree protette di tutti i tipi collocate nelle Alpi, dalla Francia alla Slovenia.
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The Vercors Atlas of Communal Biodiversity

Lunedì, 19 Febbraio 2024

Since 2021, the Vercors Regional Nature Park has been carrying out and leading a Municipal Biodiversity Atlas (ABC) approach in conjunction with the LPO and Flavia APE associations. From 2021 to 2023, the ABC involved 38 volunteer municipalities. In 2024, a second ABC Vercors will be created for 3 years and will take over from the previous one. It concerns 26 new municipalities that will therefore benefit from support from the Vercors Regional Nature Park.

The Atlas of Communal Biodiversity makes it possible to carry out a local scientific inventory and a mapping of animal and plant biodiversity so that each of these municipalities takes it into account in its developments and projects.

The themes of the first ABC Vercors are continued: pollinators, remarkable trees and hedges, wetlands and bats, to which flora is added as a new theme studied.

Residents are invited to contribute to the observations, thus deepening their knowledge of natural heritage with a view to better preserving it. They can set up "local ABC groups" and become stakeholders in the proposals for ABC activities in their municipality.

Moreover, everyone at their own level can participate by discovering the trees, ponds, pollinators, bats and flora near their home - in their garden, on their balcony, on public paths... and by adding its observation data to the online participatory tool "Vercors Biodiversity Observatory".
In addition to these free participations, discovery outings are organised by the park and its partners throughout the process. Local groups or naturalists can also suggest them.

Each inhabitant can get involved in the local ABC group of his municipality, and thus participate in the development of the choice of events and projects for biodiversity in the municipality. To register on the ABC group of a municipality, simply contact its town hall.

Find here more information

Click here to participate in the observatory

Click here to access the atlas.  

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ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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