

ALPARC sostiene la cooperazione

fra le aree protette dell’Arco alpino per una gestione sostenibile che rispetti le risorse naturali


Protezione della biodiversità

e conservazione di un ambiente di qualità


Salvaguardia del legame fra l’uomo

in particolare i giovani, e l’ambiente naturale


Sviluppo regionale

basato sulle risorse locali che mette al centro le persone per garantire la protezione e la conservazione della natura

ALPARC è la Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine, che riunisce centinaia di aree protette di tutti i tipi collocate nelle Alpi, dalla Francia alla Slovenia.
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ALPARC CENTR’ALPS: Pilot measure for cooperation platform

Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2024

The idea of a cooperation platform emerged at an ALPARC CENTR'ALPS workshop as part of the considerations for a joint measure by protected areas. The basic idea: protected areas support each other with expertise and (wo)manpower.

This type of cooperation was initially to be trialled on a small scale using a pilot project so that experience could then be used as a basis for expansion. The Tyrolean Lech Nature Park and the Swiss National Park were involved in the pilot project. Initially, the need for support, support options, important topics for the exchange and the rough format were defined with them. Then two exchange visits of two respectively three days took place, where staff members of both parcs discussed the selected key topics (visitor guidance, process dynamics, monitoring) in the field.

An important realisation was that process protection and dynamics are not only possible in core zones of large national parks or wilderness areas, but also in nature parks - even if not in all aspects, but often only on a small scale or temporarily. Due to the differences between the two protected areas (in terms of protection category, age, size, staffing), the exchange was perceived as very enriching by the participants. The fact that this format enables a very intensive exchange was also rated very positively. 


© J. Eich, Naturpark Tiroler Lech 

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ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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